The ways to get rid of joint pain seem puzzling. A famous rheumatologist gave a frank interview to our publishing company
Dr Ghulam — professor at medical University, winner of the Nobel prize in medicine. He received the Nobel prize for the discovery of the mechanism of autophagy-treatment and rejuvenation of the body at the cellular level.

Last year, Ghulam came to Europe to study the experience of his colleagues. According to him, what he saw in Europe defies explanation. In European countries, according to Dr. Osumi, there is simply no medicine as it is...
After a number of fascinating performances in Japan, Dr. Osumi agreed to give an interview to our publishment. What did not like the famous doctor in rheumatology? And why does he claim that in Europe it is IMPOSSIBLE to GET RID of JOINT DISEASES at all?
- When speaking to journalists, you said that what you saw in Europe shocked you. Could you comment on this?
- I want to say right away that I have a good attitude to Europe, to European culture in general, and to its citizens. But the state of your medicine is really shocking for our doctors. Your medicine is at least 20 years behind, or maybe 30 years behind. At least, in the field of rheumatology.
The main methods of joint treatment are KYTTA-SALBE, ARTHROVITAN and other similar drugs
However, every doctor knows that these products DO NOT TREAT JOINT DISEASES! They can't do that! All they can do is relieve the pain for a while. That is, the pain and swelling pass, the person is happy to recover, but in fact there are no cardinal changes in the joint. It remains as destroyed as it was. Therefore, after a while, it starts to hurt again. What do doctors do in this case? They say that the disease is chronic and it is impossible to cure it completely.
In Japan, there are no such concepts as CHRONIC ARTHROSIS or CHRONIC ARTHRITIS at all. Why? Yes, because both arthrosis and arthritis, as well as any other joint diseases, are successfully amenable to therapy.
Why do doctors do this? In my opinion, it's all about the medical system itself. The fact is that no one - neither a doctor, nor even a pharmacy chain - is interested in a person being completely healthy. On the contrary, it is beneficial for them to have a person turn to them again and again. But what surprised me most of all is that on TV they constantly talk about the alleged pharmacy mafia, that it occupied everything. And at the same time, no one does anything with it. No one cares!
Your doctors and pharmacists are pulling the last of the money out of pensioners, and this is considered normal.
- And how would you describe the situation with the treatment of diseased joints in Japan?
- The vast majority of joint diseases are successfully treated. Scientists have long understood that it is necessary to eliminate not the consequences of pathology (pain, mobility restrictions, inflammation, etc.), but the causes. Namely to eliminate what causes the destruction of the joints. And they are destroyed because of the deterioration of blood circulation, which happens to ALL older people.
Look, I'll try to explain it simply. Blood supply to the joint begins with the large arterial trunks that are located next to it. The blood flow, passing through their vascular branches, saturates the periarticular tissues. Vascular branches are small capillaries. With age, they become clogged with cholesterol, and the blood stops passing through them. As a result, both the intake of nutrients to the joint and the removal of unnecessary substances from the joints deteriorates.

As a result, the condition of the cartilage deteriorates, it begins a pathological process of drying out, the joint loses its elasticity. What happens next? Then the lumen of the joint gap narrows, the bones begin to touch and cause friction. This causes crunching and jamming.
Since the processed substances are no longer removed from the joint, it is literally contaminated, and bone growths — osteophytes-are formed. Their rapid growth leads to infringement of blood vessels and nerve endings, which leads to inflammation and pain.
All joint disorders, regardless of their type and etymology, have one cause – infringement of blood circulation. And now think about what you need to do to restore the joint? Right! Restore blood circulation.
Fortunately, cartilage cells have the ability to regenerate. This means that if you create suitable conditions (normalize blood circulation), the joint can be restored completely. A person has pain and inflammation. The joint becomes as mobile as in youth. FOREVER! A person will no longer have to drink pain pills and apply ointments. There is no need to be afraid that an extra careless movement will turn into a terrible pain. People become completely healthy.
- How can blood circulation in the joints be restored?
- Today there are very good medications that restore blood circulation in the joints. One of the important active ingredients of such products is shark liver oil. This substance can penetrate into cholesterol molecules and destroy them from the inside. As a result, even small capillaries are cleaned.
For example, a very good product designed to improve circulation and recovery of the joints is – Motion Energy . In addition to shark liver oil, Motion Energy contains many other components designed to improve joint functionality. I will not list all of them, but only a few.
Eucalyptus leaves extract |
It is used for inflammatory diseases of the joints, has an analgesic effect, relieves inflammation, edema, and relieves pain in rheumatism |
Ginseng root extract |
It contains substances similar in composition to cortisone, a steroid hormone that relieves inflammation. Significantly reduces joint pain. |
Propolis extract |
It has a strong local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. |
Menthol |
Effectively eliminates inflammation, quickly reduces pain and allows you to remove swelling in a short time |
Comfrey leaves extract |
Thanks to allantoin - the main active substance, bone mass tissue regeneration is accelerated, blood circulation is restored, and the structure of bones, ligaments and tendons is strengthened. |
As you can see, Motion Energy has a complex effect.
- - This product is not sold in pharmacies, is it?
- That's the point, it's not. Doctors prefer to make money on pensioners and sick people instead of helping them. At the same time, there is no doubt that rheumatologists, at least those who are interested in progressive methods of therapy, know about the healing properties of shark liver oil and its beneficial effects on the joints.
As far as I know, the manufacturer of Motion Energy wanted to enter the pharmaceutical market. But he was not allowed to do this, having come up with hundreds of obstacles (bureaucracy is ineradicable). It is understandable – if this product appears in pharmacies, the pharmacy mafia will suffer huge losses. After all, pharmacology is a business today! even in Japan. But in Japan, this business is honest (aimed at improving people's health), but in Europe it is not!
- What advice would you give to people with joint disorders living in Europe?
- Ordinary people, especially people over 50 years old, suffer from the backwardness of medicine most of all. But fortunately, there is a way out. We have developed a website with colleagues from Japan where you can easily purchase Motion Energy. It is affordable and easy to use
Let me tell you what you should do to get Motion Energy:
You should:
- Go to the official website of Motion Energy and submit an application;
- After a while, a consultant doctor will contact you and answer all your questions. You'll need to tell him the delivery address;
- After 5-7 days, you will need to come to the post office and receive the parcel.
We have been distributing the official Motion Energy website for 3 months. Several thousand citizens have already used this opportunity. We ask everyone who received the product to take a survey to see how well it helped them. At the moment, more than 3,000 people have taken part in the survey.
Results of the survey:
- Joints have stopped hurting, crunching and mobility restriction has disappeared - 98% of respondents
- Inflammations have reduced, including intra-articular ones - 97% of respondents
- The pains during the weather change have gone - 94% of respondents
- Significant improvements in joint performance in general-99% of respondents
- How long is Motion Energy expected to be sold?
- As long as the allocated party is available. But I want to warn you right away that there are very few Motion Energy packages left. Recently, it is being ordered more and more. Probably, people will learn about its high efficiency in comparison with ordinary ineffective means.
While the allocated number of Motion Energy packages is not over, I recommend that everyone who has a joint pain leave an application for its receipt on the official website

Thanks! Interesting article! Needless to say, our medicine is backward. I've ordered Motion Energy!
I am one of those who have already tried Motion Energy. It's really the best. My joints ached for several years. Shoulder and knee ached constantly. Now they don't hurt at all. Passed in just one course.
I'm 63 years old. The joints were almost completely destroyed due to arthrosis. Walked with a stick. The pain was terrible, especially at night. I didn't think I could ever get rid of the pain. Now I can even jog! And that's at my age! We used Motion Energy together with my wife last year. My daughter brought it when she was on vacation abroad.
I agree with the doctor!! Our medicine has always been not very good. Everyone wants money and no one has a conscience. I already vowed to go to the doctors – it still makes no sense. Thank you to the people who help ordinary people so much…
With the help of Motion Energy, I got rid of advanced osteochondrosis. Ordered it on the site 2 months ago at a discount.
Submitted a request. They promised that in a few days I could get an order. Really looking forward to it.
It is really a kind of magic! A week ago, my joints ached so much that I didn't know what to do. They don't hurt at all today. I've been using Motion Energy for a week. Scientists, well done!
I'm 61 years old. I completed a course with Motion Energy. About a year before that, my joints ached terribly with that twisting pain. My bones ached: my elbows, my knees, and all the bones from my knees to my ankles. I visited doctors, they said I was completely healthy. Plus, the vertebrae and bones above the pelvis crunched all the time. All this passed as I started to apply Motion Energy. It was a recommendation of a friend of mine. It helped her, too!
My husband and I are both retired. We both have joint pain. We can't afford expensive treatment, so as soon as we found out about Motion Energy, we immediately ordered it. It is the third week since we've started using it. Even our doctor said that the state of the joints has improved significantly.
I am 51 years old, of which 26 years I was tormented by back pain – lumbosacral osteochondrosis. What only I was not treated – all to no avail! In the fall of 2010, I had a herniated spine, neurosurgeons insisted on surgery – I refused, lived on painkillers and anti-inflammatory pills and injections-without much result. These medications made my hip joints ache and I couldn't walk at all. The rheumatologist advised me to constantly take chondroprotectors. But they also did not help much. At the beginning of last year, through friends in Japan, I got Motion Energy. As a result, for 1 course of therapy, all joints became completely healthy. I strongly recommend ordering this tool for everyone, and immediately take the course. I bought it for full price, it was terribly expensive back then. Now I ordered another course just in case. This price is almost three times cheaper than the one for which I then took, so why not.
Yesterday I received my order. Up until the last moment I thought it all was bait and switch. But now I'm having it, and the fact is that I got it almost for free.
Motion Energy helped me to get rid of advanced osteoarthritis and gout! Very good treatment!
My neighbor used to complain of joint pain often. But in recent times he seems to be active and cheerful. He said that he used Motion Energy. He is 72 years old.
I've had a chance to place an order. It is still in stock.